For parents!
Hello parental units of the world! If you've found your way to this page, your child is probably interested in a fursuit. So here's some things you should know before purchasing one of these works of art for your child.
Fursuits are not a toy
Whilst they may look fuzzy and cute, fursuits are not toys. They are handmade wearable artworks that are a considerable investment to purchase. Whilst we endeavor to make our fursuits as durable as possible so they can stand up to the more enthusiastic performers, fursuits are still handmade, and will not hold up to extreme rough play.
Fursuits can be health risks
Fursuits are hot. There's no two ways about it, its like wearing a couch. Adult wearers can develop heatstroke easily if they aren't careful, and as children can have a harder time regulating heat, the risk can increase. Handling and supervision is recommended for longer fursuiting expeditions, and be sure to discuss the signs of heatstroke with your child.
Fursuits are expensive
Whilst we consider our fursuits on the more affordable side for the quality, they are still a sizable investment, they cost as much as they do so the maker can be paid a livable wage, as fursuits take weeks of full time work to complete.
Fursuits require maintenance
I often joke that having a fursuit is like having a pet, as they require a fair amount of care and upkeep to prolong the life of the costume, and keep it looking its best! They need frequent all over brushing, and washing every few wears to discourage mold growth and smell, both of which can be lengthy processes.
You won't be the only one waiting
Most fursuit makers, myself included work on a queue based system, so when you pay the deposit, there will be people ahead of you waiting to have their suit made. The wait time can vary from maker to maker, mine is about a year to a year and a half, which I am aiming to reduce over time to around 4-6 months. This means you should not expect your commission to be completed within the week, or the month, etc. I am one person, not a factory.
It will be made to adult sizing
Unless specified, all non form fitting parts (Head, hands, tail) will be made to adult specification. This is because children grow very fast (as I’m sure you know!), and will grow out of their suits quickly if not made to adult sizing. If a fullsuit is commissioned for a minor, I hold no responsibility for the fit of the bodysuit or feet upon arrival, or over time. This is why I will always recommend a partial for kids, its overall safer, and more affordable! You’re more than welcome to rejoin the queue once your kid turns 18 if you’d like to commission a bodysuit!
Hope this gave you some insight! Be sure to have a read around my website for more information!